Centered on the Eucharist
and witnessing God's love through prayer and charity

The Confraternity of the Pelican Christ is a an association of faith committed to remembering and sharing God's presence and love, and encouraging others to seek and experience the joy, and healing power of the Eucharist. Through prayer and acts of charity, we seek a deeper connection with God and each other.  Join us in our online forums to share your faith journey and grow together in love and understanding.

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Logo of Pelican Christ

Confraternity of the Pelican Christ

We embrace a way of life particularly focused on prayer and charity, looking always for the presence of God in our lives, and holding ourselves accountable to a daily examination of our relationship with Jesus, (Did I Pray?) and His presence in our interactions with others. (Did I Love?)

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Spiritual Nourishment and Healing

We recognize the profound power of the Eucharist, which brings about a deep union with God and is a powerful means of grace.  It offers both individual and communal healing which leaves us no other response than to offer thanksgiving and praise.

Mindful Considerations

O Come let us adore Him…


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Mindful Considerations

Adoro te Devote


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Living Loved

The wait is over!


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Encounters with Jesus

Profound significance


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Loving as Jesus Loved

Loving Our Neighbor


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